Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Two nights ago Joey said, "I have this song I want to play for you. It's by Linkin Park; the Kid sent it to me."

"Linkin Park?"  I asked, surprised.  Two years ago he'd have never mentioned such a thing.

"Yeah, we analyzed the music video at work.  It's really well done artistically, plus the song is cool."

And so Joey cranked up the speakers and "What I've Done" pulsed through our apartment.

"Oh, I know this song," I said a few bars in.

"You do?"  Joey asked.

"Yep...I used to love Linkin Park," I replied.

"I did not know that about you," he told me.  And turned up the music a little bit more and sang along.  Only the song was so loud I could barely hear him.

"Do you think Downstairs Neighbor will get upset?"  I asked loudly.

But he didn't hear me.  He just kept singing along, so I went to start a load of laundry, smiling at this example of just one major changes our lives have gone through in the last couple years.

Linkin Park cranked to 11?  No problem at all.  I could really get used to this whole freedom in Christ thing.

1 comment:

  1. If you have to pick only one thing to get used to, freedom in Christ would be a good one to pick...
