Friday, March 14, 2008


Today is National Pi Day.  It is also Einstein's birthday.  And National Towel Day.

"National Towel Day?!"  You ask, "What....what is that?"

Ahh, gentle reader, if you were but more familiar with the works of Douglas Adams (The guy who wrote Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and other sundry works) you too might know what National Towel Day is. Joey always quotes, "The galaxy is a dangerous place. If you want to survive, you've GOT to know where your towel is" when referring to National Towel Day.

All that being said, today is Joey's favorite day of, like, the entire calendar year.  He has this quirky thing with Pi, in high school he memorized the first hundred or so digits of Pi and has been known to recite them at random and ad nauseum.  So on National Pi Day Joey is always inspired to mathematical greatness.  He is proudly wearing his Pi shirt that bears the symbol of Pi which is made up of hundreds and hundreds of tiny white digits of Pi.

It is truly a shirt for nerds.

Additionally, Joey likes Einstein because he likes math.  He also thinks it's cool that Einstein was born on National Pi Day.  And that it is also National Towel Day.

Could there be a more perfect trifecta?  I ask you.

And so this morning Joey dressed himself in his Pi T-shirt and slung a brown towel over his left shoulder.  "It has to be worn this way," he told me, "It's the proper way."  He also wore pants.

Unfortunately, it turns out that today is not National Towel Day.  He is two months too early - it's is on May 25.  I'm not sure how or why he thought everything was on the same day, but poor, poor Joey.  His towel is now draped over the back of his desk chair and he is not wearing it again until May 25.

(He told me I could blog about this only if I blogged the entire story, which I believe I have done.  So I'm not getting in trouble for any of this, just FYI.)

So it's just National Pi Day and Einstein's birthday after all.  Alas, it's no longer the perfect date on the calendar.

Everybody get your towels ready for May 25, though, and be sure you wear them the correct way.

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