Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dear Friends of The Kid:

It has come to my attention that you think that if I were to die by sting-ray barb and it were to get caught on film, I would most likely want have it shown on TV post mortem. First of all, I'm afraid of water and would probably never be caught dead swimming around anywhere in water deep enough for sting-rays. Second of all, I think it's weird that you're sitting around talking about death by sting-rays at lunch. But whatever, you're all in college and get away with stuff like that.


If I were to die by panda attack (pandas are my favorite animal) and it happened to get caught on film, then The Kid could totally sell it to whatever media outlets he wants and make his millions. (No setting me up to die by panda attack now, The Kid. That's just plain mean. I haven't even made you an uncle yet, so no killing me off for awhile.)

May your next lunch conversation be more appetizing.


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