Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Meet our friends!

From left to right we have: Casey & Rachel (and Mikylah but she's not born yet), Me & Joey, Laura Wilkerson & Josh, Laura Stiller & Danny, Becca & Luke.

As far as doggies go, there's Merlin, Henry (who is not facing the camera) and Riley.

We met at White Rock for some Frisbee and hanging out on Sunday and, in the course of playing Frisbee, Laura W threw the Frisbee to Laura S and the wind caught it....it wound up BOINKing into a mid-life-crisis-type-guy's Corvette. He was standing right there, too, and he looked NONE TO HAPPY at poor Laura S when she went to retrieve the Frisbee from the ground. She apologized nicely, too, as all the rest of us ran away like five year olds.

Later, as we were getting ready to go to see the ducks, I said to Laura W, "Smile!" It was extremely convenient that she was standing right in front of the Corvette when I took her picture...
I'm probably going to get in trouble for this one.

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