Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Time Flies...

Last evening after dinner, Joey and I went on a walk with Henry, who was bouncing off the walls and needed to blow off some steam. (But then, when is he not?) It was a beautiful sky, green grass, new leaves on the trees, cool breeze - the whole kit 'n caboodle.

I was mentioning to Joey that yesterday was April 1 - the first day of the second quarter (if you are someone whose job revolves around quarters like mine does) and I was absolutely shocked that time had flown by so quickly.

"I have closed out five quarters now. Five," I said. "A year and a half ago I couldn't have even told you when the quarters were, much less know what closing one out entailed."

"It is pretty amazing," Joey said. "You know, though, by the end of this quarter we will be halfway through our three years in Dallas."

"WHAT?!" I wailed. "Are you kidding me?! Already?"

I really like Dallas. I love our friends. I think I'll really like the new church we are going to (but we're barely involved at all yet, so it's still all awkward and stuff). I like NorthPark. I like going on walks wearing short sleeves and flip-flops when there's still 6 inches of snow and ice on the ground in Iowa.

"I's gone so fast..." and then Joey launched into a discussion of how best to pay for the semesters and summer sessions we have coming up in order to get done as quick as possible.

"You know, I'm kind of getting sad we're almost halfway done," Joey said.

"Me too," I replied.

Moving to Dallas is the best thing we've ever done. Back when we lived in Iowa and Joey was going to seminary up there, an older woman whose husband was a graduate told me that the years of their marriage on which they looked back with the fondest memories were those they spent in seminary. I thought she was crazy; I hated being a seminary wife up made me want to poke my eye out repeatedly.

But really I think I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. We're still in Dallas for twoish more years (thank God!), and I fully intend to squeeze every single minute of enjoyment out of them.


  1. It's a wonder you have both of your eyes, Jenna. For as much as you want to poke them out. :) :)
    Really, though...I'm glad you like it down there. I must admit that the flip-flops and short-sleeved shirt while there is 6 inches of snow in Iowa idea really, really, really, REALLY made me wonder if God was calling us to someplace tropical. But, Germany will do, the winters do tend to be warmer...

  2. Jenna,

    The seminary years were pretty tough for Karen and I, but we had a lot of fun along the way, and those are the memories I think of when I look back: going camping in January, eating corn dogs at the State Fair, driving to San Antonio to spend the day, shopping at the world's largest flea market in Canton, drinking coffee and eating out with our friends, and little Sara joining our family. I'm so glad God is blessing you and Joey while you are there.
