Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Dun duh DUUUUH!

Jenna had an interview! A phone interview. (I'd take just about anything, though.) It's just encouraging to know that yes, there is a possibility of freedom from Telemarketing Purgatory. The interview went pretty good, too, because she's going to set up a face-to-face interview with me next week on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Oh, the glory.

Let's take a few moments to ponder on the loveliness of new job prospects.
1. A new job wouldn't have the scary elevators that we have in this building. Seriously, I don't think they've done a thing to them since 1920. They make me all jibbly jibbly.
2. A new job would likely not have anybody threatening to blow me up with a shoe bomb. While we've all enjoyed laughing at that fool...seriously; he needs to get a hobby.
3. A new job would have a new set of co-worker quirks. (That could be good, but that could be bad, too.)
4. A new job could help restore some firmness to my brain. It's been feeling increasingly mushy lately from all this monotony. I think I'm getting dumber.
5. A new job would completely eradicate the purpose for this blog!!! Now I know that everyone who actually reads this may fall into despair because this is the comedic highlight of your day, but I could probably blog about other, more exciting stuff. Not to worry.
6. Lastly, a new job would be FANTASTIC!

Now let's not all think that I hate everything about telemarketing...just most stuff. I definitely like my two amigos from over the cubie wall. I may even sink into a deep sadness without them. But before I get to hasty...I don't have a new job yet.

But I just had an INTERVIEW. We'll take 'em as we get 'em.

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