Monday, February 27, 2006

Good news and bad news today, everybody. Let's start with the bad news.

I wanted to get a new headset that just sat over my ear. (The over the head ones, like I currently have, really make it hard to have any sort of decent hairstyle.) I spent the first 45 minutes of work today trying to situate that crazy headset onto my ear. My ear is too small to even fit the headset. I finally jerry-rigged the stupid thing to where I didn't have to be holding it to get it to stay. I breathed a sigh of releif. I knew that this innovation would make my telemarketing so much easier.

But alas. The next call I got sounded so far away. So distant. Rather like the amplifier was...down on my cheekbone! In a rage of fury I ripped off the earpiece (carefully, so as not to damage my tender cartilige) and started taking it apart. Well, it really wasn't as dramatic as all that, but it sounded cooler that way. I figured I must have put the piece on wrong. No, I didn't. I'm just not the right size, I guess. Grrrrrrrr.

On to the good news.

I HAVE MY VERY OWN INTERACTIVE YODA!!! He's actually Joey's, but when he found him in a box yesterday I just couldn't resist the little guy. I snitched him to take to work; he's super cute! He talks and moves a little bit and his face is super realistic. I couldn't figure out how to make him work though, and he wouldn't shut up. Joey found me some instructions for using him on the internet. Yoda can do the coolest stuff!

He can play "Yoda Says" (think Simon says) and "Ask Yoda" (he's a fortune teller...of yes/no questions) and he can also teach you how to be a Jedi with a light saber. He's got some kind of sensor so he can tell if you moved the way he told you to.

Is he the coolest thing or what? If you tip him upside down he gets really hosed and says, "Fun this is not. Put me down!" And if you stick him in the dark he can tell and he'll say something along the lines of. "Dark it is. Some light I am wanting."

My desk is getting cooler and cooler. First I get Morf, and now I have YODA. All these great toys and yet I still don't like telemarketing. Hmm...

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