Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I Love Biohazard Treats!

Today started out really good. Joey brought me a Biohazard Bagel yesterday and I ate it for breakfast. Usually any treat Joey brings me in a Biohazard bag is really good. (Wait, perhaps I should explain. He works in the NICU and Biohazard bags are like glorified ziplocs. They make perfect doggy bags.)

Anyway, today I want to talk about being nice to telemarketers. See, I hate it when telemarketers call my house. I used to be rather rude to them. The next time a telemarketer interrupts you at home, here's what you need to do. Nicely say, "No thank you" and then hang up. None of this polite "Well, I'm really not interested" stuff. We have to rebuttal three times no matter how nice you are about "Well, I'm really not interested". Save everyone a lot of trouble and nicely say "No thank you" and hang up. Or, nicely ask to be removed from the calling list. Pretty much anything remotely nice, without swearing!, will be appreciated by the telemarketer. I feel qualified to speak for us all.

I'd better get back to cutting out my paper dolls. Joey snagged some for me from the NICU (see, great things come from there) and I'm making cards for my friends.

Tomorrow's Groundhog Day. I can't wait to post.

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