Thursday, February 02, 2006

Groundhog Day: Why?!

This one's not really about telemarketing.

It's Groundhog Day. I have so many questions about Groundhog Day; the whole thing just doesn't make sense to me. First of all, there's the names of those poor groundhogs. I can't even spell most of them! Punxsutawney Phil, General Beauregard Lee, Wiarton Willie, and Shubenacadie Sam are the worst ones I saw, but seriously. How does one even begin to pronounce most of those? Looks like someone just picked a bunch of letters and stuck them together to make a "word".

But I digress. What do the people do at all of these places if the groundhog doesn't come out of his hole? What if he died over night? Do they have backup groundhogs? Why does the groundhog in that Punxsutawney place decide whether or not I get more winter or less winter? And what if he can't see his shadow because he's facing the wrong way--then what! Why does it mean that we'll have 6 more weeks of winter if he sees his shadow? Seems to me that if it's nice outside and he sees his shadow then winter will be over sooner. And who really cares about a little groundhog anyway? Why does he get to pick the weather?

See? Groundhog Day makes no sense. (My husband is going to be so glad when it's over so that I don't pester him with my incessant questions about it.) I'd better quit thinking about all this and go back to my telemarketing. I couldn't find my perky pink Nalgene bottle this morning, so I'm stuck drinking out of my neon green Tiki Totem glass from Maui-Wowi. It's just not the same. The creepy face on the side gives me the jibblies, but it's better than getting dehydrated.

Hug your telemarketer today.

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