Friday, February 03, 2006

If you can't stand Telemarketing, watch the Panda.

Watching the panda. It's a full time job, and somebody's got to do it.

I'm a panda freak. Ever since I found out we were going to see pandas when we were in China, I've been obsessed with the fuzzy little critters. I talked about them the entire time we were there, I about had cardiac arrest when we went to the panda park in Chengdu and I got to hold one, and Joey even bought me two pandas done in Chinese silk embroidery. They've got a place of honor on my wall. :)

About a month or two ago, my husband sent me the greatest link in the world. It's a 24/7 webcam on the pandas at the National Zoo. I really enjoy watching the baby panda Tai Shan climb and roll and eat bamboo. His mom, Mei Xiang is also funny to watch with him, she bats him around and lets him crawl all over her.

There are many days where I'd go positively stark-raving mad if it weren't for the little panda. Telemarketers are very fragile since we sit around all day waiting to get yelled at. The panda is theraputic because he does cute stuff all day long. I can watch him for hours and hours and somehow watching his little furry antics takes the edge off an excruciatingly long day.

So for those of you who need an exotic vacation without leaving your cubie? Check out the baby panda. He's cute enough to perk ANYBODY up.

I'd better get back to "work" now. I need to check on the panda and see if he's up.

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