Monday, February 06, 2006


It's Monday. Something funky always happens on a Monday. This Monday is no exception.

I called in sick today, so I should really be at home slothing in bed. I was getting too bored waiting for the doctor to call me back about going down to the hospital for tests, so I talked Joey into a trip to the library. (I needed to pay for that coat I just won for him on Ebay, too! A whopping $20 I paid, including shipping. Go me.)
Anyway, today I shall not be on the giving or, I hope, receiving end of any telemarketing calls. No shoe bombers, no cussers, no people who only speak foreign languages, no angry wives....nothing but the radio and my birds.

I'll probably get bored about 1:00.

It's probably time for me to call my doctor's office back and give them the what's up. I've been waiting about an hour and a half for them to call me.

Here's to Monday! Have a good one.

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