Tuesday, February 07, 2006

"Please? Just do this one thing for me and I'll leave you alone!"

Here's my idea for the day. I figure on just begging people to take apps from me. It seems easy enough... "Please, Ms. Customer, I know you don't want to talk to me anymore than I want to talk to you, but I really need someone to take an app. Would you do me a favor and help my stats by taking this app with me? I could really use it." Groveling never hurt anybody, right?

I've always wanted to try it but of course the first time I do will be when Quality Assurance is listening in and I'll get some sort of QA violation.

Based on the fact that I'm super stuffed up and have a funky cough today, I'll be shocked if many people stay on the phone with me long enough to hear what I have to say. I don't even like to hear myself talk when I sound like this. :) Gotta love that mute button.

It's a comp day, I'm off at 2:30! Hooray! Gotta be thankful for the small things.

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