Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Once upon a time, there was a lovely girl named Alyssa. She was very fortunate becasue she was not a telemarketer.

Alyssa went through life very happily going to school, going to church, hanging out with her friends and NOT telemarketing. She didn't even know how good she had it until one day, she happened upon a very shocking blog. The blog, you see, was about the mistreatment of telemarketers by seemingly normal, civilized people.

"Oh my!" said Alyssa as she read about this injustice, "I didn't realize that I was so blessed! These poor telemarketers really ARE people, and very abused people at that! I think I'll start a petition to abolish telemarketing and raise awareness of this cruelty."

Dear Alyssa spent many sleepless nights pondering the best way to help the poor telemarketers. She made lists, flow charts, and graphs of different ways to attempt solving this problem. She organized rallys, picket lines and sit ins without gaining much support. People still insisted on treating telemarketers fiendishly!

Alyssa worked so hard that she found herself growing drowsy. Sleepy. Heavy eyelids.

Our heroine, Alyssa, awoke with a start. She was at home, in her bed, not in Washington D. C., like she remembered, lobbying to free the telemarketers! Could it all have been a dream? There were not posters on her walls, no petitions stacked on her desk... "Alyssa, it's time to get ready for school; you're running behind!" Called her mom.

Shaking her head, Alyssa decided that it must have all been a dream. But she knew that now she would be nice to every single telemarketer she encountered. For the rest of her life.

Alyssa is our hero!

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