Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Announcing the Wells Fargo Bobsled Team!

2010 Olympics--watch out! If you thought you knew what super fast bobsledding was, you're wrong. If you thought it wasn't possible for one bobsled team to win the gold, silver and bronze medals all at once in a single event, you're wrong. If you thought that there were only events for two man or four man bobsleds, you're wrong.

The Wells Fargo Bobsled Team is here to shift your bobsledding paradigm. Prepare to be stunned.

Meet the Trifecta:

Jenna the Jitterbug
Position: Front (for steering)
Height: 5'1"
Favorite candy bar: Symphony (with toffee)

Least favorite sport: Most of them
First word that comes to mind when thinking about amusement parks: Dizzy!!!
If the U.S. had to change national colors, I would pick: Green and hot pink
Favorite day of the week: Saturday
I like naps: A LOT!

Tiffany the Thoughtful
Position: Center (for screaming)
Height: 5'6"
Favorite candy bar: Snickers
Least favorite sport: Softball
First word that comes to mind when thinking about amusement parks: Valley Fair

If the U.S. had to change national colors, I would pick: Lime green and hot pink
Favorite day of the week: Saturday!!!
I like naps: I love naps, but don't normally get them.

Jamie the Java Jewel
Position: Back (for stopping)
Height: 5'6"
Favorite candy bar: Take 5
Least favorite sport: Golf
First word that comes to mind when thinking about amusement parks: Water

If the U.S. had to change national colors, I would pick: Green, Black and Gold
Favorite day of the week: Thursday
I like naps: Definitely!!!

This team is truly amazing. Their teamwork and single-mindedness toward the goal of all three medals at once is outstanding. Watching them glide down the track with Jenna frantically steering, Tiffany screaming bloody murder and Jamie trying desperately to stop the careening bobsled is truly a sight to behold.

So mark your calendars. Take off a week of vacation. Don't miss a minute of this edgy, exciting bobsled team's performance!

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