Monday, February 20, 2006

Ernie the puppy is super, super, super cute. I really like him. I want a wiggler just like him. (Joey doesn't go quite so gaga over a little furball as I do, but he'd become addicted in time.) We had a real slam-bang weekend, Alex, Ernie, Andrew, Joey and I.

Joey's trouble. He found some sort of video on Google that showed some guys taking a package of Mentos and sticking them in a bottle of Diet Dr. Pepper, after attaching a pipe to the top of the 2 litre. There's a major chemical reaction that occurs and the soda goes shooting out the top of the bottle and pipe, probably about four feet in the air.

I feel really sorry for the poor person who was eating Mentos and drinking Diet Dr. Pepper who discovered this reaction. Doesn't sound pretty.

Anyway, we did this on Saturday afternoon. I had to go to my telemarketing in the morning, so this crazy waste of soda was great therapy for my poor, damaged psyche. Ernie missed out on most of the madness since Dave Schmave the Knave (we just keep adding stuff that rhymes onto the end of his name...) was around, and Ernie probably shouldn't have been over in the first place.

After we blew up the Dr. Pepper we slothed around. I made pizza and we ate an early dinner so Joey and Alex could go buy a man-necklace for Joey. Then we watched about 3 1/2 hours of Olympics. (Bode Miller skiied off the course! YAY!) Telemarketers need to watch Olympics, it's good for them. It relaxes them.

After a good weekend, it's back at it. I hope everybody comes back for a visit soon! (Ernie's Aunt Jenna misses him already.)

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