Saturday, February 18, 2006

Sobe No Fear should never, ever again be consumed by Jenna. My little brother and I got some last night and split a can of it (good thing, too) while we bummed around. Mom always told us not to do this, but we did it anyway. We figured she'd be less sad if she found out we did it after we'd done it. (Sorry Mom, don't be sad.) No Fear has creatine, tourine, ginsing and arginine. I don't know what half of that stuff is. It also has 158 mg of caffeine per 16 oz can. Mt. Dew has 55 mg caffeine in a 12 oz can. Uh oh.

We drank our No Fear and waited to see what would happen.

About five minutes later, I started freaking out. "I'm getting hyper, I'm gettin' hyper!" I started boucing and jittering. I could tell that this was NOT going to get better.

Joey came home and joined us in our bumming. Ernie laid around and gnawed on his treat. Alex lolled around on the couch. I...was freaking out.

Alex used the bathroom and toilet overflowed (probably not his fault, but still, he was the last one who used it) so then I did laundry, mopped the floor and killed all the germies. Jitters. I had the jitters. When I finally sat down on the couch we took my pulse. My little heart was beating at 120 beats per minute!

I finally fell asleep at 11:30, but I was having breathing problems and my heart was racing and racing and racing. Remind me NEVER to drink one of those things again, they make me super sick.

Maybe if telemarketers all drank Sobe No Fear they'd be a lot happier. Then again, maybe not.

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