Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Dear Kraft Foods,

Hi. My name is Jenna. I'm a pathetic little telemarketer (well, for another few hours) and I just wanted to thank you for the happiness you have brought into my miserable existence. Happiness? You ask yourselves, How in the world can a telemarketer have happiness?! They have the worst jobs in the world!

Well. Let me tell you.

I adore your mini marshmallows. I am, perhaps, their greatest fan. I eat them while I talk to people on the phone. (But only occasionally, since they don't any---er, much nutritional value.) The mini marshmallows are the greatest because, to quote my cool little brother, they are "full of marshmallowy goodness". It's like all the flavor of a big 'un but that is bite sized!!! Wow. Somebody's a genius.

But wait, there's more!

Yesterday while my dear husband and I were grocery shopping (at TARGET, not at Walmart. We rue the day we enter Walmart...sorry, Dad.) Joey spotted something amazing.


Seriously. These are little spring colored bunny shaped marshmallows. They're super, super cute. I like to squish them and bite their heads off. They were on sale, so we bought a bag. I munched a few on the way home, but I knew I had to take them telemarketing the next day. Since it's my last day (YAY!!) I figured my friends might enjoy a few bunny-mallows. Jamie and I made hot chocolate and put them on top. They look like a pastel swirl.

Whoever thought up bunny-mallows is a really smrt person. I salute them.

Very sincerely,

Jenna, loyal fan

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