Monday, March 27, 2006

Why I Am Nuts

I hear voices all day long. Seriously.

OK, fine, so I'm a telemarketer (until tomorrow) and so my job is talking to people on the phone. But I like to make things as dramatic as possible, of course.

Anyway, my current game is to try to figure out how fat (or not) people are just by talking to them. It's pretty amusing. You can't tell much from a person's voice except whether they smoke a lot.

So that's my game. It's pretty sad, isn't it? Statistics aren't in these people's favor, so I figure that most people are ginormously fat. At least I amuse myself by thinking that. If they're huffing and puffing, that's a definite giveaway (to my little mind, that is).

I really, really need to start my new job before I lose my mind completely.

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