Wednesday, March 15, 2006

For a telemarketer, I have an awful lot of trouble with the United States Postal Service.

First, they lost my Social Security card with my new last name on it. Arg. Riles me up just thinking about it. Some dingbat out there better not have it. I hope it just got stuck in the machine.

Second, they lost the title to my car! Hosers. We should have had it back in December, but half of that is the bank's fault. I called and asked them to expedite the payoff papers, but the lady proceeded to forget. A month and a half later, I called again and the lady felt real bad. It all worked out OK, though, because I got the payoff papers in the mail from the bank.

And yet all was not well.

Two more months later I still haven't received the title. Hmm, I think to myself, Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. So today I called down to the Polk County Administrator's Building. Sure 'nuff, they mailed that thing on February 15.

It's lost. Poor little thing. I hope it isn't scared.

So I ran (mostly just walked really fast) the 3/4 mile to the Polk County building, waited for 15 minutes while the lady printed me a new title, and then I ran back to work. Fortunately it was a pretty nice day out, sunny and brisk, or it would have been a pretty miserable hike.

I wonder if all telemarketers don't get their important mail, or if it's just me. Hmm. Who knows!

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