Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Here's my advice for the day. DON'T ANSWER YOUR PHONE.

When it rings, don't answer it. Get Caller ID or something so that you never, ever answer when a poor telemarketer calls you. This way the telemarketer can do other, more fun things like read books, sew finger puppets, color pictures, throw stuff, or jump around while still wearing their headset.

When people answer their phones, it prohibits us from doing things like that.

We got a new campaign today. We're trying to convince people to take cash out on the vehicles they just paid off, and doing consolidating or going on vacation or something. Nobody's wanting to take stuff from me. (Surprise, surprise. I wouldn't want to go back in debt on the car I just paid off, either!) We're also trying to get them to refi with us, but I haven't been getting very many of those.

So here's the advice for the day: Leave the phone on the hook. Either that or just get cell phones so that the evil telemarketers can't get to you.

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