Friday, March 31, 2006

How Many Pieces of Paper Does One Tree Yield?

Good afternoon, everyone. Today we're going to talk about what Jenna did all morning. What did she do?

She killed trees.

Yep, it's true. I don't know how many pieces of paper come from one tree, but I was photocopying a bunch of employee evals that I'd edited, added a new checkbox to (ooh!) and then printed off. I copied SCADS of them.

I kept track of how many reams of paper I went through. Anybody wanna stab a guess at how much I used?

Drumroll, please.....

3,000 pieces of paper!!!

Yes, Jenna Woestman is now a tree killer. I had to copy off 10 sets of all the evals, and I probably edited 25 of them...and there were about an average of 15 pages per eval. Oy vey.

On the plus side, I was kept busy for the entire morning and I didn't get any paper cuts. The entire project took 6 hours from start to finish. (Although an hour of that was probably just trying to find the dumb file on the computer...Whoever was here before me sure didn't save things very clearly.)

And that's what I did today. I killed trees and you paid for it. How does that make you feel, taxpayers? :)

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