Thursday, March 30, 2006

Things That Are Extremely Cool About My New Job:

1.) I have a big desk. I had to sort 12 stacks of handouts and I had room on my desk to do all of them. It was great.
2.) I do not have a headset for my phone. Reason this is good--I won't be talking on the phone all day long!
3.) I can open my cell phone without fear of reprecussion.
4.) I can go to the bathroom whenever I want, as many times as I want. (And I don't have to worry about getting glared at.) This is truly freedom.
5.) I have a pet fish. His name is Comet and he's a red Betta. He comes with the job. I named him after the school mascot and I get to feed him every day.
6.) I can carry on conversations. It's great, the other secretary and I chatted for about 20 minutes about something that didn't really pertain to anything work-related, and nobody got mad at us! (We, of course, were still working while we talked.) There were no telemarketing beeps in our ears or anything.

Oh, the glory.

Jenna likes her new job!

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