Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I Love Days Off

Today I made blueberry scones. Precious said that she had a good recipe, so I called her and got it. I haven't tried them yet, we'll see how they turn out. I used a bunch of soy flour and whole grain oat flour...they sort of had a greenish tinge to them from the soy flour. I'm sure I'd use soy flour a whole lot more if it didn't turn my food colors.

But I digress.

Who slept in until 8:15 this morning? It's me, it's me!
Who didn't make her bed until 11:00am? It's me, it's me!
Who hasn't even bothered to shower yet today? It's me, it's me!
Who likes driving her new car? It's me, it's me!

Yeah, so I know the last one doesn't really fit. But I do, I like driving my new car! I'd like it a lot more if it didn't smell like new car, but what's a girl to do? I got a scented oil car thingy to try to diffuse some of its new car goodness, but it's taking awhile.

I keep trying to think up place to go so that I can drive around. Then I remind myself that every time I fill my gas tank up it costs me two hours of work and I decide to stay home.

Who decided it was OK for gas prices to be so high, anyway? Hmm, maybe somebody needs to telemarket the gas people and they'll get so annoyed they'll lower prices.

That's not a bad idea...I may run with it.

I gotta go!

1 comment:

  1. Jenna is bum. Actually, I'm just jealous. :)
