Thursday, March 09, 2006

I don't understand it.

I called a guy this morning, we'll call him Bob Hearnot, and said, "Hi, may I speak with Bob?" I get silence on the other end. Someone's scuffling about.
"Who?" Says the man.
Ohhh, I think to myself, another one of these.
"I'm looking for Bob. Bob Hearnot," I say. More scuffling.
"Bob who--Who you say you lookin' for?" Growls the gruff-voiced man.
I sigh. "Bob Hearnot. Is this the wrong number?"
Reluctantly he says, "Uhhh, no....this is Bob."

Seriously. Either Bob is deaf or he thinks I'm a bill collector. This happens ALL DAY LONG. People play seriously dumb when you ask for someone, but if you persist then they eventually come out with "Oh, that's me."

Do they just not know their own names?

Last I checked, my English was pretty good so I'm pretty sure it's not because they just can't understand me. A lot more people must need hearing aids. Either that or they need to quit running up debts and then going delinquent on them. Either or.

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