Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Dear fans, loyal readers, and really bored people,

Today it's really busy around here. I've suckered 28 people into taking applications (three of them were real arm-twisters, too. I'm such a bad person) and it's not looking to slow down anytime soon. I really shouldn't even be blogging right now, I haven't got the time.

I just had to mention some really unusual last names I saw today. Telemarketers see all sorts of silly things, you know. My favorite one so far has been "Beaubeof" and that is, of course, French for "Pretty cow". I wonder if that lady knows that's what her name means.

I also talked to a Lesicko (that also sounds French for "The sicko") and then some guy whose last name was Nalchadzyan. He was from Armenia, though, so I guess that explains it. I can't even figure out how to pronounce it!

Well, like I said friends, I need to not be doing this anymore. Telemarketing awaits.


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