Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I think today's isn't going to have much to do with telemarketing. (But I did just get some guy's answering machine...and he was singing on it! For shame.) This one's going to be about.... STAGE FRIGHT!

So I'm in Kohl's a couple weeks ago looking for something for Joey's birthday. They had a ton of stuff on sale, so I was browsing through the clearance on the hunt for a track jacket that was priced just right. Suddenly, I saw someone that I worked with for a couple of weeks when I worked for the bank.

I got stage fright.

What do I do? Do I hide or do I say hi? What do I say if I do go over and talk to her? She always scared me when we worked together because she was cranky and mean. Hmm...Did she see me? I couldn't tell. Well, I was a chicken. I opted for "hide behind a really tall clothing rack and pretend I never saw her in the first place".

It worked. Good thing I'm short.

This happens to me all the time. I see somebody I sort of know, think I should go over and say hi but then I get stage fright and go hide somewhere for 5 minutes until I figure they're gone.

I did this at work the other day. I saw some guy that used to work on my team (for a couple months) coming through the doors at the same time as me. I thought, "Hmm, should I say hi or should I just pretend I didn't see him. Maybe he didn't recognize me". Besides, I'd hate for him to think I was, like....flirting or something nasty like that. I hear behind me, "Well, hello, Jenna."

Stink. Foiled again.

I turned around and tried to dig myself out of my hole. It was hard, too, because the hole was super deep. Stage fright is a bad thing to have at this job. Sometimes when mean and nasty people get on the phone I just think, "Oh cool, they can't even see me. I can just pretend I'm not here."

Life's hard for telemarketer.

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