Saturday, March 04, 2006

Saturdays are great for one major reason--NO TELEMARKETING!! (Well, every other Saturday that is.)

Today I've been really productive. I cleaned the whole house within an inch of its life, did 45 minutes of Pilates (I'm so, so sore) and been twice to Walmart. I hate Walmart. Sorry, Dad, but it's true.

I'm on my way to grocery shop now becuase I'm going to pre-make some dishes for this next week. It'll be really nice to have a few things in the freezer, especially if I wind up having any interviews. Wow, wouldn't it be great to not be a telemarketer anymore? But I must be thankful for the job I've got, right? I try...

I can't think of anything funny to say, so I'm going to quit now.

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