Friday, March 03, 2006

Yay! It's Friday! (Good thing, too, because around here by Friday, all telemarketers are fried.)

We're working on finger puppets right now. We're making one for each of the members on our team. This way when it gets really slow and boring around here we can do little plays. I've got one dress finished and I'm working on another one. It's almost done. I forgot how slow hand stitching is, good thing some guy invented a sewing machine. On the upside, my stitches are really improving. They're much smaller and straighter.


Some guy named Pedro called me yesterday. He's from the East Coast, like Maryland or something, and he was "following up on my application". I'm confused. I didn't apply in Maryland, or the East Coast, for any position. Particularly not with a mortgage company. I want nothing more to do with money places. I keep trying to get ahold of our pal Pedro...but he's not in.

All I can figure out is that somehow when I took that online class to get certified to do mortgages in Maryland (yes, they seriously had us do it "just in case") my phone number got given to Pedro.

Poor guy. With the name Pedro, all I can think of is the guy from Napoleon Dynamite. He even sort of talks like him, too, so it's really hard to take him seriously! I wonder if he looks like the guy from the movie, too. I guess I'll never know because I'm NOT moving to Maryland to do mortgages for Pedro.

"You should build her a cake or something"

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