Thursday, April 20, 2006

Buy a Toyota, you must

Yoda the Toyota and I have a new convert.

This morning Bus Driver, one of our bus drivers (duh), came blasting in here. (Which was a welcome change, since it's so stinkin quiet around here today.) Bus Driver is an older farmer who is retired, and two weeks ago he came in here in a big stink because he wanted to steal my car.


He was gonna take the keys and take mine and leave me with his scary motorcycle, which looks like it shouldn't run at all. It's quite haphazard.

Bus Driver said he loved my car (which I'd just gotten) and that he wanted one super, super bad.

I told him he couldn't have mine, he'd have to get his own.

So Bus Driver comes in here, sun at his back so all I can see is a dark silhouette of a man flapping his arms, and says, "Look! I got me one too!"

I was a bit stymied as to who this guy was and what he was talking about, but I finally figured out that it was Bus Driver.

"Look out the window!" He was waving enthusiastically for me to come see what he was talking about.

I came over and saw a green Corolla parked two cars down from my silver one.

"I got it on Saturday," Bus Driver said proudly. "I just loved the way yours looked so much that I had to get one."

We talked cars for awhile (which was hard for me since I don't know anything about cars, I just made stuff up) and then he left in his new, shiny green car.

I could hear Yoda saying, from the parking lot, "Proud you have made me. A convert we have won!"

So all y'all go out and buy Corollas.

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