Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Let's Start a New Trend: Walmart Walking

My mind works in mysterious ways, I do not deny.

The other day when we were having a really huge storm out, I decided to go to Walmart to buy a weather radio, since we don't have a TV and it's kind of hard to know when it's safe to come out of the dungeon basement. (Poor Dad doesn't necesarily want to be checking the weather every 5 minutes for us, either.)

In any case, as soon as I got in Walmart (which, I might add, is my least favorite store of all) the storm got much, much worse. I began to wonder if the roof would blow off. I decided that since I was already inside, I might as well stay in there to die rather than to die by being blown off the road.

I began walking laps.

I know it is considered normal to be a mall walker, but as yet I haven't heard of Walmart walkers. Perhaps I'm the first one.

After my first lap, I began to be curious as to how many laps of the ginormous store it would take before I hit a mile. I figured somewhere around 10. Just to be sure, I called my dad. He thought 5.

One of us was probably wrong.

If I had been thinking, I'd have figured it out right then. But I didn't know how long my stride was, nor did I bother to count my steps in a lap.

This brings me to this evening.

I decided to go figure this out once and for all. I had my human calculator (Joey, of course) measure my stride. Turns out that it's only 2 feet, which is exceedingly disappointing. I thought normal people were supposed to have a 3 foot stride, but perhaps it's just because I'm short.

The total number of steps came out to be 360, which is roughly 720 feet. Dividing that into 5,280, we can, therefore, conclude that it's about 7.33 trips around Walmart to walk a mile.

I did all this math on my phone, just so you know, so if it's wrong I blame LG.

For those of you who are about to become Walmart walkers, I hope this information is helpful. I do wonder, though, how you intend to do a .33 lap of Walmart. That entails much more math than I'm willing to help you with...

1 comment:

  1. A .33 lap? Simple. You just walk to the back and then cut back through the underwear section.
