Monday, April 17, 2006

One Million Kisses

One day when Joey and I were driving to my parents' house, I got bored.

Generally I do not get bored, but sometimes in the car it does happen. So I decided I'd try to figure out something that had really, really been bothering me.

If someone was going to have a million kisses in their entire life, how many would they have to average every day?

Knowing, as some of you do, how bad I am at math I decided I needed to get out my calculator. So I turned to Joey and said, "Hey, how many kisses a day does it take to make a million in someone's life?"

Joey mumbled to himself for awhile.

"100," he said.

"HOLY COWS!!" I said, "100?! That's like....a LOT."

These figures are, of course, based on 25 years. If you intend to live for a really long time, you only have to get 55 a day in to hit your million.

By the way, all those parental kisses when you were little don't count. It only counts once you get married, so those of you little tricksy people who figure you'll go start tomorrow...think again.

I wonder if they'll make a kiss-o-meter (you know, like a pedometer?) to count them so people could know what they were up to. I dunno, it probably wouldn't sell.

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