Saturday, April 15, 2006

Acting like Adults is No Fun

For our 11 month anniversary we decided to do something cheaper than going on an actual date at a restautaunt or museum or something. So we went to Heritage Park and threw a Frisbee around (which, I might add, I'm not much better at than I was last year. The winter off didn't help much) and then went to take a walk.

We found that the bridge over the creek was flooded, so like the naughty little kids we are, we dragged a bunch of big rocks from the side of the creek bed and dammed up the water.

Since I was still wearing work clothes and had gotten them throughly soaked/grass stained/muddy from dragging said rocks hither and yon, we decided the best thing to do was to get our water shoes and come back and finish in the morning.

We did, of course.

I was so excited about playing beaver that I, much to Joey's chagrin, woke up at 7:30 the next morning which was, of course, Saturday.

He recovered from his sleepiness once he got his feet in the freezing water, and an hour later, we had successfully dragged enough rocks over to really tick off the guys in the Parks and Rec department, who eventually get to put t hem all back. We had also dammed up half of the water flowing over the bridge.

It was quite a proud moment. And yes, that is the bottom half of me in the background. I think it really ruins the ambience of the picture, don't you?

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