Friday, April 14, 2006

Parakeet Travels

Last night was CSI. I like CSI because I get to hang out with Jamie. Sometimes I take the kids because Jamie likes birds too. She asked me to bring them yesterday, so I happily acquiesed.

About 7:30 I stuffed the kids into their travel cage. They scuttled around and chee-cheed at each other; they hate being in small spaces like that. Hoping it wasn't too cold outside, I began my walk.

I shouldn't have worried, I think it was 80 degrees with about 75% humidity. It was quite warm and there was a nice breeze, which the birds tolerated very nicely.

We walked along at a nice pace, the birds having sensory overload at all the new sights, sounds, and smells. They particularly enjoyed the Robbins chirping in the trees, which I thought was very cute.

I suppose it's not considered "normal" to walk down 1st street carrying a cage with 2 parakeets in it, but then who said I was normal in the first place.

I got many strange looks from people in cars/motorcycles, and several people who really, really looked like they wanted to stop and figure out why the heck some girl was dragging a couple of tropical birds around.

Jamie's roommate, Brooke, is afraid of birds. Poor thing, I didn't know she was going to be there or I wouldn't have brought the kids along. She gets afraid when they fly--kind of reminds me of Mom.

Maybe next time I'll take them to Hy-Vee and see what happens. Naah, I'd probably get kicked out.

(Sorry guys, it's a slow news day. The birds will have to suffice!)

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