Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Acronyms Don't Mean Anything Anymore.

So aparrently it was a really big deal that I get an RSS feed on my blog. The Kid, The Brother and Joey harangued me considerably about it. The only problem is, I can't even figure out how to get links to appear in the "my links" part of my blog much less do something with an RSS feed.

Perhaps this wouldn't have been so hard if I could just remember that it's called an RSS feed. I was all geared up to go change my settings and thought I had it all figured out until I said, "I'm gonna go change my blog so that it's got an RSV feed".

Joey just laughed at me.

"Did you just say RSV?!" Joey squeaked out.

"Humph," I said, realizing that I must have gotten my acronym wrong.

The next day, I thought I'd done it. On my blog it said something about an RSF (or so I thought) and that made perfect sense to me. "Remote Site Feed" must be what it stands for, so that's got to be the right thing. The Kid will be so proud of me.

I emailed Joey and told him I thought I'd enabled my RSF feed. Again, I got back ":) Yeah, I'll check it out. and it's RSS :)"

Who the heck invented RSS?! It's so stinkin' annoying and hard to remember.

A day or two ago Joey and I were talking about this darn feed and I said, "What does that stupid acronym stand for, anyway? I could remember it a lot easier if I knew what it stood for."

"Well, nobody that I know of knows what it means. It must just be one of those things."

So I figure it stands for Really Super Sweet. (Makes sense to me, anyway.)


  1. I hope someone tells us all what RSS means. Sheesh! I wish I knew. Too many acronyms; RSS, AJAX, JAVA, LASER. Gosh!

  2. Hey Ladyface,

    Officially, there is no acronym "RSS" in the web designing world. It's a word, not an acronym. Unoficially, it could stand for "Rich Site Summary," "Remote Storage Service," or "Remote Subscriber Service" because RSS is in fact an offsite storage pf summarized data. But these are all simply made up for people like you ;), and they aren't actual acronyms for RSS. Sorry, the nerds who invented RSS didn't have you in mind...it's just a word!
