Monday, May 15, 2006

In Which Jenna Requests Comments

So I can't figure out how this works.

Alex, aka The Kid, has had a blog for a whopping three days. He has three comments. Now, granted, two of them are from me, but the third is from ANDREW.

Joey says Alex is kicking my blog-comment butt.

I figure no one really reads this blog anyway, but if you do leave me a comment and make me feel better.


  1. Ok, Ok...I'll leave a comment. Be good, Be Safe and Stay out of trouble.

  2. comment #2....Ok a little on the little button at the top right hand side corner of your blog that says "Next Blog" it will take you to the next blog. Leave a comment on enough blogs and people will return to your blog and leave a comment. This will solve your lack of comments dilema.. :) I'm just trying to help

  3. comment#3....Comment #2 was not sarcasm...truly, I am trying to help.

  4. It's true, honey. Alex is kicking your butt. Now, I understand that he looks to you as his epitome of coolness, but I think the student has surpassed the master. His comments show that he's just connecting with his audience so much better.

    I guess you'll have to stop writing like you've taken a Creative Writing class and more like you're just some Joe Shmoe off the street who types all in one big, long paragraph.

    I like paragraphs. :)

  5. Marsha's second comment is a good one. I found your blog because someone has clicked the 'next blog' link at the top of the page and ended up on my blog :) So I thought I'd leave you a comment :)

  6. Here's yet ANOTHER comment!!

  7. Yah, kid, I have three (well, I'm writing one now...soon to be three) posts and THREE comments! Crazy, I know. But the fact is nobody knows about my blog yet except you...and Andrew. And Joey. But I don't think I'm cooler than you. You've got over ONE-HUNDRED POSTS! That's kick-booty enough!

  8. Oh, and by the way...your RSS is now working on Google!!

  9. What does Erstwhile mean anyway?
