Monday, May 15, 2006

My Bangs, or Lack Thereof

Yesterday after we got home from Omaha, I had a "brilliant idea". My bangs were really bugging me because they're kind of long, and I thought I'd just cut 'em up real short.

So I did.

Now I could have stopped by just nicking the ends so that they were not in my eyes anymore, but I didn't.

I could have stopped after I took them up 1/4 inch, but I didn't.

I could have even stopped after I took 1/2 inch off, and yet I didn't.

I think they're something like 3/4 inch shorter than they were yesterday at this time. I was quite traumatized yesterday evening. I kept thinking, "I look like Amélie!!" (Well, they're not quite that short.)

Fortunately, my bangs were pretty long to start out with. Stretched out, they came to the end of my nose. Now when I flatten them, they hit the top of my eyebrows. I really hacked 'em off good!

This morning when I was getting ready I wasn't quite as heartbroken as I was yesterday; now I even sort of like my little fringies masquerading as bangs!

Sort of. :)

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