Friday, May 12, 2006

H.A.T.E. Strikes Again

This Sunday is Joey's and my first anniversary. We're going to Omaha to hit the zoo, go to the symphony, and otherwise just hang out. I'm quite excited.

The only problem is that I've been grounded from mentioning Ernie, Coolguy's doggy! I can't talk about him from Friday night (tonight) until Sunday night.

I suppose this is all my fault.

Joey likes Ernie OK, as long as I'm not going on and on and on about his cuteness, guilelessness, and overall adorability. I generally talk about him two to three times a day, which annoys Joey to no end (ask him, he'll tell you!) and sometimes I even make up songs about Ernie.

Last night (or maybe it was two days ago?), I think I overdid it.

Poor Joey had been working overtime to try to get this video done for Mom Woestman and he arrived home kinda late. I think it was about 11:00. Normally I'm asleep by then, but I can't fall asleep anymore if I'm all alone. That and I was hyper about something. (Maybe that scrumptious coffee you made me
wasn't as decaf as we thought, Jamie?) :)

I began singing odes to Ernie. (serious)

I waxed eloquently about how cute his little face was.

I praised his little white fur.

Joey said, "OK, that's it. You can't talk about Ernie the entire weekend. I am not going out of town for my first anniversary and hearing about a puppy dog the entire time."

He has a point.

I said I wouldn't mention Ernie until Sunday. Let's hope I can keep my word. Just so everyone can appreciate Ernie's ultimate cuteness, I have included a picture.

And so that everyone can get a close-up of the guy, here's my favorite one. LOOK AT HIS FACE!!!

I suppose none of you will fault Joey for starting the H.A.T.E. club. (Husbands Against The Ernie) Fortunately, the only members are Dad, Stephen and Joey. Nobody else is allowed.

I love Ernie. Now I'm done. Until Sunday.

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