Thursday, May 18, 2006

Bang Snaps

Joey and I had to run to Hy-Vee to get some sugar. (We were out and I need a cup tonight to add to the Amish bread.)

Somewhere between the Pepsi aisle (Joey: "Woah! They have 10 for $10!!!) and the sticker aisle, I lost Joey. (Stickers are on the way to the sugar, dontcha know)

While I was trying to find him, I happened upon a display of 4th of July things.

They had Bang Snaps, 3 for $1.

I couldn't resist.

I looked around real quick to see if Joey was about, he wasn't, and I grabbed a box. I didn't want him to see because I figured I'd just start throwing them at the ground around his feet once we got outside.

I hadn't yet figured out how I was going to:
a.) hide them from him while in the store,
b.) pay for them, or
c.) get them out of the box without his keen eye catching me.

I finally found Joey. Or, rather, he found me. (I was in the sugar aisle.)

Joey: "Hey, what's that in your hand."
Me: "Uh, stickers."
Joey: "No, that other thing. Behind the stickers."
Me: "Um...don't look at that. It's a secret." Stinkin! That wasn't very smooth.
Joey: "I want to see."
Me: "No way, man. You can see once we're outside the store."

Joey kept trying to sneak peeks at the box of Bang Snaps I had hidden under the sticker package. He's really tricksy.

Since I'd forgotten my wallet in the car, I used his while he sulked over by the haircare products. Poor thing. He hates it when I keep "secrets" from him.

I finished checking out.

Joey: "Can I see the receipt???"
Me: "NO."

We headed outside. I was trying to open the package of Bang Snaps without being detected. It wasn't working. Joey kept casting sidelong glances my way trying to figure out what I was wrestling with in the pocket of my sweatshirt.

Once outside, I began pelting the ground around his feet.

Joey: "Oh, you got Bang Snaps."
Me: "What, you weren't even sort of scared by the noise?!"
Joey: "No way, babe."


I decided to roll the window down and start throwing them at things outside the car. It was pretty fun, it made louder noises than when I just tried to weak-arm throw them myself.

Joey: "I dare you to throw a Bang Snap and hit that big green van when we drive by."
Me: "Um....OK, I'll do it!"

We passed the big green van. I threw.

Bang! Snap!


Joey sped up and drove away real quick, just in case the van owners were in the yard and we hadn't noticed them.

After that I tried hitting Stop signs (too high) and throwing one in front of Yoda to see if he'd run into it and cause it to pop.

All that did was send the Bang Snap down into the engine somewhere. Oops.

Once we got home I threw some against a Port-O-John (they make cool echo sounds) and the rest against the wall. Joey threw his at me. They didn't pop. So he threw them against the wall, in which case they did pop.

I suppose he's lucky they didn't pop when he threw them at me.

And now I have to go watch the season finale of CSI.

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