Thursday, May 18, 2006

In a Tizzy

I am positively helter-skelter today.

My attention span is about nil, and that could be due to a few reasons:
~I may still be traumatized from the rather large, gray, wolf-like dog I saw get obliterated on the highway this morning. It was my first time to witness a roadkilling.
~I've been trying to get these dumb percentages to equal all morning long, and they're off by the tiniest margin. I'm about to start throwing cotton balls at my computer screen.
~I may get voted off the island.

All things considered, I am impressed that I've gotten as much done as I have.

I still do wonder if that wolf-like dog thing I saw get smashed this morning was a wolf or a dog...


  1. icky...that would traumatize me too!

  2. i hope u get voted off the island
