Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Five Woes

Many bad things have happened to me today.

1. I am wearing a long, long white skirt and I keep getting it stuck in the wheel on my chair. This causes the skirt to get very dusty and I'm afraid it will tear.

2. The Kid just went through Jiffy Lube and said he didn't lock his keys in his car. This has brought back many unpleasant memories from the last time I got my oil changed at Walmart. I locked my keys in my car during their busiest time of day, and my car was 2nd in line to go in. And blocking traffic.

3. I bid on 10 Tupperware orange peelers on Ebay and I found a good deal. I put my maximum bid up to $3.50 and then, five minutes later, found a better deal with better available colors. Now I am blue. I'm hoping somebody outbids me so I can get the better deal and better colors.

4. Since it's a slow day at work, I decided to experiment with PowerPoint, since I've only used it one other time and that was last week. I made a slide show for the bus driver rules, since I'm retyping their handbook today. (The only reason I'm doing that is because I haven't got much else better to do yet.) Joey wanted to see it, so I emailed it to him. Now he says it's terrible and that I broke all the rules of Bad PowerPoint Presentations and that it's abysmal. He's sending it back later, edits included.

5. This one is The Doosey. Two months ago when we traded in my car, we realized we couldn't find the title. I figured that it got lost in the mail and was with my Social Security card, which also never arrived. So I hoofed it down to the Polk County building and got a new title made. A week later, we traded in the Stinky Saturn. As we were leaving, I remembered that I'd forgotten to grab the title. I ran upstairs and got it, and while I was doing that, I found the original title. I figured I'd just throw away the duplicate title, forgetting that I'd said I would mail it back to the Polk County people if I ever found the original. We traded off Stinky Saturn, never to be heard from again.


Joey sends me a message, " Hey, I just got a call from Toyota of Des Moines regarding the Saturn. They wanted to know why we got a duplicate title issued. What did we do with that second title? Do you remember?"

My poor little heart almost stopped. I heard my mother's voice in the background, Your sins will find you out, Jenna!

I figure I've really done it now. I'll probably get fined and/or arrested because I probably signed some paperwork down at the Polk County building saying it was OK for them to do that to me if I didn't mail the duplicate title back.

If only I'd done what I was supposed to with that stupid title instead of shredding it. I thought it would be OK!!!

I promise I'll let you know if I get fined and/or arrested. And if I get outbid on the Tupperware. What a morning, it's only 11:30!

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