Monday, May 08, 2006

Is bluffing really lying?

I had a dream. It was weird. I suppose, since I haven't got anything better to do right now, I'll relay it here.

It was an early Saturday morning. Joey and I were at my parents' house and were up with the sun. Dad came into the kitchen and said, "Hey, Jenna and Joey, I want you guys to go over to one of the houses in the new development and check it out. I know people live there right now, but since it's real early I bet they won't be home yet." (Yeah, the logic kind of doesn't make sense to me either, but remember...I was asleep when this all happened.)

So, Joey and I grabbed the doggies Ernie and Gus (who was visiting) and headed out.

We approached the large red-bricked (on two sides, the other two sides are white vinyl siding) home on the corner of the two streets in the new development. We always have liked this house but felt rather sorry for it because of the white vinyl siding.

Joey and I snuck in.

We had to sneak in, of course, because people lived there.

We headed upstairs with the dogs. We were looking in all the rooms (the beds were messy and unmade, but nobody was in them). Ernie kept going to the bathroom on all the lamps. I kept telling him not to, but he kept doing it. I cleaned up after him for awhile, but then I finally gave up.

Joey decided he was bored, so he took Gus and went outside.

Lucky him. As soon as he left, I heard a sound from downstairs. I froze. Somebody's in the house! I thought. I snatched up Ernie, who had taken a break from checking out the lamps and darted for the stairs.

Around the corner came some guy I'd never seen before. And he had just gotten out of the shower, so he was only wearing a towel.

I screamed.

He screamed.

Ernie just kinda sat there.

"What are you doing in my house?!" The guy asked.

"Uh, uh, uh, my dad sent me here to....look for something!" I bluffed.

"OH! You must be----" He said somebody's name I'd never head of.

"Uh..." I said.

He cut me off with, "My dad left that for you in the study. It's right around the corner. I hope you can find it, it should be sitting right on the desk."

I was rather shocked. Sweet! He's not going to have me arrested for tresspassing! Well, wait until he goes upstairs and looks at his lamps...

"Oh, OK, thanks." I said, and ran down the rest of the stairs, pretended to go look in the office and then zipped out the front door.

Joey and I took off running and ran the entire rest of the way home. As we ran I thought, Man, that was scary. But at least it'll make good blog material.

Forunately, I woke up right away and realized that it was all a dream. But my heart was still pounding and I was still super embarassed until I fell asleep again.

And that's the end of my dream. Weird, eh? I love how I can save face, even when I'm sleeping. It's a good skill.

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