Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My House is Hot Like Fire

87 degrees is powerful hot.

That's how hot it was last night when Joey and I got home from dinner with friends. 87 sweltering degrees and no box fans to put in windows. I cannot tell you how hard it was to fall asleep. We rigged up two small fans and put one (rather precariously) in the window and the other on the dresser and I think we took the temperature down to 83 degrees, which feels so much more temperate.

I have several reasons why it's bad to have it so dreadfully hot inside:
1. The chocolate chips (that have just been brought home from the grocery store) get squishy and hard to measure in less than 5 minutes.
2. It's hard to sleep.
3. The birds get really lethargic.
4. I get really lethargic.
5. In the morning when there is a 20 degree difference between the inside of your house and the outside weather (like there was this morning) it's really hard to dress appropriately. I am freezing because it's not even 87 degrees outside. (It was more like 64 degrees when I left. It's probably a bit higher now...)
6. It makes the air conditioning at work is rather uncomfortable.
7. Joey has to listen to me say, "Man, when are we going to get a box fan?!" a lot while we both try to fall asleep. (This was, of course, before we stuck the little bitty fan in the window. We're pretty lucky it didn't fall off into the laundry basket right below it and suck up our clothes...that happened last year, which is why we kind of hesitated about trying it this year.)
8. It's not even June yet.

Several reasons why it's not so bad:
1. The chicken thaws really, really, really fast.
2. The frozen bread does too.
3. It's cheaper.

Seems to me the cons way out weigh the pros...if only it wasn't so much cheaper to leave out the stupid air conditioner units!!!

I suppose I shouldn't complain, though, because if I lived in the Sahara Desert I bet it would be way, way hotter than 87 degrees in their houses.

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