Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Suspicion: Confirmed

I am too short to be seen over my desk.

I had been thinking that this was the case because when people come in they look right at me and don't seem to see me.


My desk has this handy wall that's 3' 10". I know because I just measured it. Note that I am 5' 1", and sitting down I'm probably about 4' 3". The top of my head is all that shows above the ledge, and that blends right into the navy cabinets behind me.

I found this out when I scared the mail lady.

She usually delivers the mail to my desk, but today was setting it on CW1's desk. I said "Hi, Mail Lady" and she jumped. "Oh, I didn't see you there!" She said.

I wilted.

Mail Lady went on to confirm my suspicions that nobody can really tell I'm at my desk since the ledge effectively covers most of me, except the top of my little brown head.

I suppose now I'll just jump up and scream when people come in -- that way they can't miss me.

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