Monday, May 22, 2006

A Remarkable Discovery

This has been such an eventful day. The goats have been out twice (fortunately some high school boys came over to get the three renegades back in this last time, and then they shooed them all down to the pasture they were supposed to be in) and I have just made the most amazing find.

I have a slight obsession with binder clips. You know, those black things that hold lots of paper at once?

Oh man.

I've always liked them, and a couple of weeks ago I found some really itsy bitsy ones and they fascinated me quite a bit. I usually hog them, too. I hate putting them on papers because I never get them back!


I noticed a few weeks ago that there is a large, large box on top of a cabinet in the back room. It is labeled "binder clips".

I just hauled it down (it was excessively heavy) and opened it up.

It is full of binder clips!!! Thousands upon thousands of them!!!

I have only found one itsy bitsy one, but I'm planning on sorting the entire box so that I can easily restock myself when my favorite sizes run out. This could take awhile, but it's worth it to find all the small clips.

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