Tuesday, May 23, 2006

In Praise of Ernie (sort of)

I am so tired today, I have to make a big deal out of something in order to keep myself from falling asleep on my keyboard.

I keep breaking things (such as the copier, several times) and dropping things (such as my freshly washed Nalgene...into the trash can full of creepy spaghetti type stuff). I'm surprised I've gotten anything accomplished at all. Surprisingly, I've been quite productive. All things considered, of course.

Last night I bought Ernie a doggy ice cream cone for $1, and a doggy cannoli for $2. The cannoli is awesome looking, it looks yummy and edible. It's got little carob chips and carob swirls on it and is all full of dried whipped cream.


That is, if Ernie can get his little mouth around it--it's kind of plump and his mouth is very small. But I'm sure he'll enjoy licking out the dried whipped cream. He's quite a cute little pup.

Joey is probably bemoaning my affection for Ernie at this very moment. He thinks I'm rather obsessed. Perhaps he's right. But I still think Ernie is my cutest little nephew.

I think my tiredness is causing me to ramble on about boring, senseless things. I should quit.

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