Thursday, May 25, 2006

Revenge of the Shave Gel

This is what our bathroom cabinet looked like last night when we opened it. Joey's shave gel must have exploded sometime during the day (how?!) and its ooze filled up the entire bottom shelf. The picture does not convey the true nature of the shave gel ooze.

Do you have any idea how hard an entire cabinetfull of shave gel is to clean up? Especially when the water pressure in your bathroom is next to nothing?!

Fortunately we had a shelf liner down so I grabbed that and took it to the kitchen sink to wash it out while Joey scraped the thick blue goo that was left.

That goo is not easy to remove, either. It's so terribly slimy.

We have no idea what happened; the can didn't really look punctured...and we know it came out of the bottom since the thickest, bluest junk was at the bottom of the shelf.

Grody, grody, grody.

Stuff like this always happens when you're trying to pack to leave town, ya know?

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