Monday, June 05, 2006

And I thought I was nuts

There's a least one person who is more of a cow freak than me! (YAY!) I saw her today on the way to work.

I was driving up 69 at about 7:20 a.m. and noticed a bright red van parked on the shoulder of the opposite side of the road. I noticed that this particular van had very obnoxious seat covers, they also were bright red and had big white Hawaiian flowers all over them.

It might not have been so bad if the reds didn't clash, but these reds clash.

Anyhow, nobody was in the van, but the door was open. My eye caught a glimpse of the driver just as I was about to zip by.

She was out of the car, down in the ditch, and up against the barbed-wire fence trying to get the cows in the field to come over to her.

It wasn't really working.

I thought about pulling over and teaching her my dad's go-to "Si-bossssss" that he says to his cows. It makes them go nuts, but I think it's because they think he's going to give them a treat or something. I didn't think this lady had the skills needed to learn si-bosssss, nor did I have time to teach her. Besides, I doubted that she had any treats (a.k.a hay).

Anyone who tries to fancy up a Dodge Caravan with Hawaiian seat covers needs lots and lots of help.

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