Friday, June 02, 2006

Dono Treply Strikes Again

I don't usually think of myself as a ditz. But I do have my moments.

Back about a year ago when I was applying for jobs at Wells Fargo Financial, I kept getting these emails from I was amazed that Dono Treply had enough time to send out emails to everybody who had applied for a job, and even more amazed that there were seven Dono Treplys working for Wells Fargo Financial.

His mother, I thought, had no imagination when she was naming him. Seriously, Dono?!

A couple months ago I was sitting, pondering how annoying Dono Treply's name was (it really bothered me!) when I realized something.


Do Not Reply?! Could it be?

It was and I have yet to live that one down.

I was doing a Gmail search for something and one of those old emails came up. I thought, "That is a terrible name, Dono Treply. Seriously."

And then I began kicking myself.

So you see? Dono Treply strikes again. I just cannot read, it seems.

In other news, I am really annoyed with Wikipedia. First, half the stuff in there is wrong (Seriously, guys Evangeline Lily is not from Iowa. She's from Fort Saskatchewan in Alberta, Canada! Check IMDB) and the stuff you want to add, they won't let you.

I tried to make an article about my grandpa, Larry Lee Laird, but it wouldn't let me. Something about the person having to have "national significance" or something.

My grandpa has tons of national significance. He has a fan club! (Even if I'm the only remaining member since everybody else lost their pins.) He has a cool RV! He has my dad!

I'm gonna try to make up more stuff to see if I can trick Wikipedia into taking the article. What would be cooler than having an article about your grandpa in Wikipedia?!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the wikipedia..and I didn't put myself there. :) just look under blook. I did edit the article a bit. I had to make it clear that I didn't write the blook mentioned before mine.
