Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Kid is Republican

Last night I had fun bothering my little brother.

On the way home from church I got curious (after seeing a Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker) what political party The Kid belonged to. He isn't 18 yet, but he can still have a party.

So I called him. He was slightly confused, but he told me that he is, in fact, a Republican.

One of his little friends in the background was talking, so I made him ask her political party. She's an Independent. I don't even know if she knows what an Independent is, I think she's like 14. The Kid was picking out a movie at the movie store, so I hung up with him. He had Important Things to do.

Unfortunately, about 5 minutes later, insatiable curiosity overtook me. I simply had to know what political party Ernie belonged to.

So I hit Alex's speed dial.

"WHAT?!" Demanded Alex.
"I gotta know what political party Ernie belongs to."
"What?? Why! What are you signing me up for?!"
"Nothing really, honest. I just have to know."
"Ernie is a Republican too." I could hear Alex shuffling around in the background.
"Oh good. Ummm...bye." I hung up feeling much better.

Joey and I (because Joey is almost always with me when I do annoying things...except he's not annoying. He's just along for the ride, and to get me out of trouble) got home and a great idea dawned on me.

"Hey Joey, I'm going to call the Kid and see if he'll give me his Social Security Number and date of birth. That'll really freak him out."

Joey shook his head at me and plunked down on the couch to read The Definitive Biography of P.D.Q. Bach.

I hit Alex's speed dial. It rang several times, I thought perhaps he was screening my calls by now.

"I need your social security number and date of birth." I tried not to laugh.
"What?! NO! I AM NOT GIVING YOU MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER AND DATE OF BIRTH!!!" I hear a smattering of laughter in the background. I assume his friends now think I'm insane. "What the heck are you signing me up for?!"
"Um, nothing. Promise. So you're not going to give it to me?"
"No way."
"Fine then, I'll call mom," I said.
"Mom doesn't know it."
"She used to."
"She forgot it. Besides, I have the card in my pocket."
"I really wanted it."
"You're not getting it." I could tell The Kid would not be moved.

The conversation ended much in that manner.

I never signed him up for anything, but I sure thought about it. I could put him on some really great mailing list, like Young Republicans or I Love Dogs or something.

Hmm....I still might.

1 comment:

  1. I still think you should sign him up for some mail-order catalogs.

    Oh, and I hope your dad doesn't read this post. That could be potentially disastrous!
