Thursday, June 15, 2006


The word blog is so....vulgar sounding. This was really bothering me as I tried to fall asleep last night. It sounds like it could be so many things, for instance:

1. A "blog" could be anything gross. "Hey, look, there's a bunch of blog over there. See it? Oh, it's so

2. A "blog could be an exclamatory. "BLOG!!! I can't believe I forgot to clip my toenails this morning!"

3. A "blog" could be an alien of some kind. "Oh no, the Blogs are coming from Outer Space! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

4. A "blog" could be a very unpleasant recipe that your grandma makes only for family reunions. "Look, honey, I made Blog again! Aren't you so excited?"

5. A "blog" could be a huge, vicious animal, rather like an alligator or crocodile. Can you picture it now? "The Adventures of the Blog Hunter." Well, maybe there's not quite the same ring to it.

6. A "blog" could be some kind of huge storm. "The National Weather Service in New York has issued a Severe Blog Warning for the following counties..."

So I think "blog" is a weird, dumb word. Oh well, I didn't make it up!